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League Information


Online Registration for 2025 Spring/Summer season will begin January 1, 2025.    Player's age as of Aug 31, 2024 defines the eligibility for each age group.  (see section below to determine age division)

AGE GROUPS OFFERED:   SWS offers 10U, 12U, 14U and 16/18U Age Groups.  Odd age groups for 9U, 11U and 13U will be created in the event there are enough registrants (minimum of 4 teams) to offer a standalone age group.  Otherwise,  9U, 11U and 13U will be combined with 10U, 12U and 14U respectively.


9U through 12U:  April 1, 2025

13U through 18U:  May 1, 2025

NEW THIS SEASON:  Registration will now be in two parts:  Team information with fee payment, and Team Document submission.  

Click here for Team Document submissions for 2025:  Team Document Portal


Fall = TBA   Spring = $395
(current pricing subject to change)


The Travel B Division is intended for tournament oriented 8U through 18U teams that play USA, USSSA, etc. at the B level.  Below are league details:

- Season consists of 15-20 regular season games through 12U, 14U-18U will play 12-16.  Total games will depend on number of teams registered in age group.  Each team is required to provide and fund umpires and fields for home games.  All scheduling is provided by SWS.

- SWS hosts year-end double elimination tournament

- Official rosters are required with age validation,: player eligibility must be maintained per SWS rules

- Games locations are in southwest suburbs of Chicago roughly bounded by I-55, I-355 and I-80.

-  Play begins mid April  for 10U and 12U and  late May /early June for 14-18U.   Year end tournaments will be held last week of June through second week of July depending on Division and age group.

For further questions or to sign up, please contact the SWS Registrar


The In-house Division is intended for inexperienced B level or C league-oriented  teams 8U through 18U.  Below are league details:

- Season consists of 15-20 regular season games.  Each team is required to provide and fund umpires and fields for home games.  All scheduling is provided by SWS.

- SWS hosts year-end double elimination tournament in July 

- Official rosters are required with age validation,: player eligibility must be maintained per SWS rules

- Games locations are in southwest suburbs of Chicago roughly bounded by I-55, I-355 and I-80.

-  Play begins in early May for 10U and 12U,  late May and early June for 14-18U.   Year end tournaments dates will be provided at registration.

More detailed information including fees will be provided during registration.

For further questions or to sign up, please contact the SWS REGISTRAR

Registration Contact

Please forward any registration questions or updates to  here, or through the SWS portal.


SWS offers 10U, 12U, 14U and 16/18U age divisions.  Use the link below to determine your team's division based on your players birth month and year.  SWS follows USA Rules for age limits except as noted below.

Click here to determine your age division


8, 10, and 12 yr olds can play up one  SWS Age Division.  Example:  a 12 yr old can plan in 14U but an 11 yr old cannot.

14 yr old players can play up in 16U and 18U.

Note:   SWS normally offers 10U, 12U, 14U and 16/18U combined. When viable, 9U, 11U, 13U or 15U may be offered if viable.  If so, age exceptions for 7, 9, 11, and 13 yr olds will be considered.