SWS is a girls softball league for anyone playing 9u through 18u. We have both travel and non-travel leagues to fit your team’s needs. The SWS leagues are great to supplement game speed reps in between your tournaments.
Please consider volunteering for the board as all positions are annual and available including President. Please send interest to info@swsfastpitch.com and a board member will contact you with information.
Who is registering? Click on your league link to get the latest lineup of teams.
Registration for the 2025 Season is now open. To register, please complete Step 1 to register your team now and pay fees. After completing Step 1, click the link for Step 2 to submit your official roster, birth certificates, field dates and times, and proof of insurance. All documents must be completed by April 1. If necessary you can enter the Documentation portal more than once if you need to update or add documents.
Click on the following links to register and upload documents:
Step 1: Register your team and pay fee
Click on the links below for more information on our League:
Click here for more league info
Click here to determine your age division
Player age group is defined as the player's age on Aug. 1, 2024.
8, 10, and 12 yr olds can play up one SWS Age Division. Example: a 12 yr old can play in 14U but an 11 yr old cannot.
14 yr old players can play up in 16U and 18U.
Note: SWS normally offers 10U, 12U, 14U and 16/18U combined. When viable, 9U, 11U, 13U or 15U may be offered if viable. If so, age exceptions for 7, 9, 11, and 13 yr olds will be considered.
Looking for an established league? Or have you had friendly games get cancelled? So have we. Join SWS to get guaranteed game experience to supplement your tournaments season and/or to provide an established league schedule with playoffs.
SWS Fastpitch was created to provide a structured game schedule for teams that primarily play in the Southwest region of Chicagoland. Eliminate the hassle of arranging your own game schedule and avoid the uncommitted nature of friendlies. Join a flexible league where opponents are competitive and committed to play!
SWS will schedule all games, manage league standings, and arrange for a year-end double elimination tournament. And if you are Travel oriented team that plays several tournaments, SWS provides a Travel Division that accommodates your schedule by arranging weekday games only.
For more information on the benefits of SWS Fastpitch, contact us at SWS REGISTRAR.